Drinking Games With Cups Without Balls
We put together a list of the top 10 beer pong drinking games to share with the world, drink up! Ideally, a multiplayer game in which there’s a clear winner and loser works best.
Truth or Dare Beer Pong QR Cups Drinking games, Beer
You do this by throwing ping pong balls into the other team’s cups.

Drinking games with cups without balls. If you get your ball in. 10 pint sized plastic cups filled with your drink of choice Don't get your cup stacked before you bounce your ball i
There are loads of alternatives to the beer pong drinking game, you could always try rope swing beer pong! Beer pong is arguably one of the most famous drinking games in the world, appearing in every coming of age movie and found on every college campus. You can check out some other fun video based drinking games on our article on the best tv and movie drinking games.
This classic drinking game is tons of fun for everyone, including you and your camping buddies. Honeycomb or rage cage is a new drinking game that has been on the rise for a number of years now. This drinking game is great for teams, after all, everyone loves a bit of friendly competition.
If you get your ball in the other team’s cup, they drink. I will list a favorite dice game of mine that is sure to be a hit at your next party. One full cup of vodka.
Take turns trying to land the ping pong balls in the other team’s solo cups. Dice seems to be the new craze in drinking games. Players spread out evenly around the table.
If you accidentally block ball coming towards your cup. The simple drinking games without cards category features those games that don't require a deck of cards to be able to play. If two balls land in two cups, drink both.
You need two teams, solo cups set up in triangles, and ping pong balls. Twelve pack of beer at least. The 21 drinking game is a simple party drinking game that you can play at once without any additional set up.
Line up 12 pint glasses or red cups in a straight row. If you’re into shooter games, call of duty and similar work very well. Two people on each team.
Many are already playing online games with the friends that they can’t go to visit in person. Two formations will be set up, of 10 cups each, on either side of the ping pong table. Two or more drinks per player.
You need two teams, solo cups set up in triangles, and ping pong balls. Also referred to as f#$% your cup, this game is a free for all that pits you against everyone else. Fill each cup with 1/3 beer;
It’s pretty simple to turn these games into drinking games, too. The set up is simple: There are so many varities of beer drinking games, to list them all would take an eternity.
One of our favourites is watching ‘the wolf of wall street’ and drinking whenever someone says “fuck” or snorts some rails. Fill each cup with 1/3 beer and take turns trying to land the ping pong balls in the other team’s solo cups. For this quintessential drinking game with cards, you’ll need a deck of cards, a cup, and plenty of beer and alcohol.
Finish your cup and throw (if the ball had landed in your cup). Cups form a shape of a triangle, filled with two. Taking the cups closest to them, two players will chug the beer and then attempt to bounce a ping pong ball into the cup.
This is a one of those drinking games without cards or ping pong balls, where each player puts some amount of their drink into the communal pint (known as the ‘dirty pint’) when it’s their turn. Beer pong is probably the most famous of all drinking games. Fill one cup up to the brim and place it in the middle of the partially filled cups.
First of all, a beer pong is in order, and of course, a stack of pin pong balls. You can get a full set to play chandelier on amazon for only $11.99: Fill up around 20 plastic cups with a small amount of beer and place them in the center of the table.
The best drinking games our pick: Team throwing maximum balls in cups. These kinds of drinking games can have many variations and you can even have lots of fun making up your own.
The aim of the civil war drinking game is to beat the other team! You will need 4 people. Four or more, and just like for most drinking games without cards… the more the better
It’s everyone’s favourite and is great for all group sizes and you don’t need any cards! It is a counting game where players need to count from 1 to 21, and the player who calls out “21” must drink before the next round starts! Other than that, a package of plastic drinking cups (traditionally red solo cups), some ping pong balls…
Especially after a few drinks! That is because it’s simple, fun and effective. 1 beer per person per game;
10 hungry hungry hippos similar to your favorite childhood game, the hungry hungry hippos drinking game is a race to collect the most cups, except pong balls and alcohol is involved. High noon with water balloons; Randomly shooting balls into the opposing team’s cups!
Red cups + ping pong balls. Every player will have six cups that represent their lives. Then they toss a coin and call it.
Here are 9 summer drinking games that can help your party go off without a hitch! One full cup of beer. As this is another team game, it’s an excellent choice for both large and small gatherings.
All jokes aside, we’ve got a great selection of summer drinking games with some old classics and twists upon some favorites. A separate cup is placed in the middle of a ring of cards facedown and the. When the ball lands in their cups, they’ll have to drink and then remove the cup or turn it over.
Beer pong can easily be set up at a campsite, all you need is a large flat surface such as a picnic table. All you need are players and your drink of choice. What are the best college drinking games?
As addictive to watch as any olympic sport, “beer pong” is one of the oldest and noblest of the beer drinking games. The classic frat party drinking game! Up & down the river;
Players will take turns rolling two dice. How many players do you need for chandelier? Many of these easy drinking games also don't need dice either so essentially all you need for most of these drinking games without cards are the alcohol and some fun loving friends.
Sometimes you want to play a game and you have nothing on hand.
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